Responsible Consumption and Production | Specialization in Bachelor Electrical Engineering-Automation

Faculty Engineering Sciences
Course of studies Responsible Consumption and Production
Degree Bachelor
Academic degree Bachelor of Engineering
Start Winter semester
Regular study period 6 Semesters
Further qualification Electrical Engineering - Automation (M.Sc.)
Category Engineering Sciences
Type of study full-time studies
Course language german
Description Specialization in Bachelor Electrical Engineering-Automation
Admission restriction No
Tuition No
Credits 180
Accredited Yes  /  Information on accreditation
Application portal Online application


Global challenges need internationally minded engineers.

Whether through devices in households or heavy machinery - our society produces too much waste. That's why we founded the EURECA-PRO alliance with seven European universities. Our common goal is to change industry in such a way that resources are finally used responsibly in production and consumption. Together with our partners in Spain, Poland, Greece, Belgium and Austria, we are researching how this can be achieved.

However, it won't work without young people who take this knowledge into the economy and change the industry. With your studies in Responsible Consumption and Production in Mittweida, you will not only learn how a responsible industry uses automation to produce more resource-efficiently. Through an integrated semester abroad at one of the EURECA-PRO universities, you will expand your knowledge to include other topics of sustainable production and thus lay the basis for leading an intercultural team of engineers as a global player in the future.

Career prospects

Lead the future of industry in intercultural teams.

No nation can save the world on its own. But together, with the United Nations' Agenda 2030, they have agreed to shape business and industry in a way that preserves resources and protects nature. This approach, however, requires different knowledge and a new generation of engineers. In addition, teams in research, development and production are becoming increasingly diverse. Global players like Siemens need managers who can mediate between cultures and have international experience. That's why graduates of the Responsible Consumption and Production programme work, among other things, as

  • sustainability managers in manufacturing companies and
  • as management representatives in industrial companies.

The Master's programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation at HSMW is already open to all Bachelor's graduates. EURECA-PRO will soon be adding a Master's programme that is completely dedicated to sustainability.


Automation and Industry 4.0 combined with experience abroad.

Responsible production means no longer thinking only in economic terms. Engineers who work sustainably use their broad knowledge to find technical solutions that also take into account the impact on the environment and society worldwide. Resource conservation and energy efficiency are central aspects. To achieve this, industry must produce differently. In addition to the responsible use of raw materials, a higher proportion of automated processes helps because the precision of robots results in less waste.

We prepare you for planning and controlling this kind of responsible production with the electrotechnical modules in small groups. Robotics as a future topic of the networked Industry 4.0 is also included in your Bachelor's degree, as is the knowledge of how humans and machines can best work together.

The special thing about Responsible Consumption and Production is that you and your fellow students are not only trained to become full-fledged engineers. What makes it unique are the opportunities offered by the EURECA-PRO alliance: You will spend the fourth semester at one of our six international partner universities. You can decide which of their different specialisations you would like to complement your knowledge with, depending on your interests, because the different universities research and teach in different disciplines:

  • Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria): Raw materials and recycling in the circular economy
  • Silesian University of Technology (Poland): Management and Organisation of Industry 4.0
  • Universidad de León (Spain): Economy and Consumer Behaviour Technical
  • University of Crete (Greece): Sustainability Engineering and Circular Economy
  • Hasselt University (Belgium): Mobility, Environmental Engineering and Materials Science
  • Universitatea din Petroșani (Romania): Mining and Social Responsibility

One thing is for sure: The experience abroad will make you attractive in industry because it will help you to work in and lead intercultural teams. By the way, we don't leave you alone during your semester abroad: Organisation, financing, or paperwork - our International Office will support you.

Application and admission


Please register here: As soon as you have transmitted all forms and supporting documents, you can enrol. Your enrolment certificate reliably grants you a place at the university.

You can study at the Hochschule Mittweida:

  • with a general matriculation standard
  • with a subject-related entrance qualification (according to the subject)
  • with an advanced technical college certificate.

You can find all information on application deadlines and required documents here.

If you do not have any of the above-mentioned degrees, look here for more information.

There is a separate application deadline for international students. Please click here for more information.

Study all across Europe with EURECA-PRO

Higher education without borders - we take that literally. EURECA-PRO is an alliance of eight European universities from Spain, Belgium, Greece, Poland, Austria, Romania and Germany. The study programme of Responsible Consumption and Production is part of it.

What does that mean for you? A semester abroad at one of the EURECA-PRO universities is an integral part of your studies. In addition to the professional qualification, you will also gain international experience and get to know other countries and universities. Would you like to find out more about EURECA-PRO and the courses they offer? Visit EURECA-PRO's website and find out which degree programmes and courses are offered by the members of the alliance.