Engineering pedagogy, Bachelor

Specialisation in the Bachelor's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering

Faculty Engineering Sciences
Course of studies Engineering pedagogy
Degree Bachelor
Academic degree Bachelor of Engineering
Start Winter semester
Regular study period 6 Semesters
Further qualification Mechanical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing. (FH))
Mechanical Engineering (M.Eng.)
Electrical Engineering - Automation (M.Sc.)
Category Engineering Sciences
Type of study full-time studies
Course language german
Description 6 semesters Mittweida University of Applied Sciences + optional 4 semesters TU Dresden
Admission restriction No
Tuition No
Credits 180
Accredited No
Application portal Online application


Industry and the skilled trades need young talent. Train them as vocational teachers for the technical teaching profession!

It is no secret that companies in industry and trade in Germany are desperately looking for new employees. But few people know that. Teaching staff in vocational schools is also in short supply.

With the degree program in Engineering Education at Mittweida University, you can fill this gap. As a vocational school teacher, you will train future craftspeople in technical subjects such as electrical engineering/mechatronics, physics, or mechanical engineering.

The highlight: Before you take the state examination as a teacher, you complete a full engineering degree with selected pedagogy components. This gives you the advantage of imparting practical knowledge to students instead of just writing scientific theory on the blackboard.

Career prospects

The best teachers are those who explain theory with examples from the students' lives.

This is exactly why we have combined two main areas of study in the engineering education program. On the one hand, engineering studies, and on the other, pedagogy. With this knowledge, you can face the everyday life of a vocational school in the technical subjects with confidence. Teachers for the technical teaching profession are in demand. With the possibility of being hired as a civil servant at grade A13, you have very secure prospects for the future.

At the same time, you also have another option. If you find out during your internships that you don't just want to teach, you can either take a master's degree instead of studying to become a teacher or switch directly to industry with your bachelor's degree. Since you have completed a full engineering degree, you are suitable for any job as a project engineer. However, due to the pedagogical components of your bachelor's degree, you will also have an advantage if you take on responsibility for training and instructing trainees in the company. 


Your future. Your studies. Our support for your interest.

The study of engineering education is divided into two parts. First, you study at Mittweida University and earn your Bachelor of Engineering. Afterwards, you will transfer to the TU Dresden to take your state examination.

At Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, you will first study all the technical basics that are important for trainees. These include construction, electrical engineering, and physics. You can choose which subjects you will teach later. In addition to mechanical engineering, you will choose a second subject - either electrical engineering or physics. During this three-year phase, you will also acquire pedagogical knowledge in each semester that will enable you to train young people. At the same time, you will gain your first teaching experience in vocational schools.

After you have successfully completed your bachelor's degree, you have the option of a much shorter teaching degree program, which you complete with the state examination for vocational school teaching. Within the framework of the OptLA project of the TU Dresden, you will complete this program as quickly as possible within two years in the Saxon state capital, whereby you will automatically transfer from Mittweida to Dresden. You do not have to go through the usual application procedure if you have completed your engineering education studies in Mittweida.

Before you can start working as a teacher, you will have to complete a one-and-a- half-yeara preparatory service, often referred to as a traineeship. If you have not yet reached the age of 42 at the time of employment, you can already be a civil servant during the traineeship. The Free State of Saxony also pays all trainee teachers a monthly supplement of 1,000 euros if they complete this preparatory service outside the metropolitan areas of Dresden and Leipzig and then undertake to work for at least five years at a school in one of these "regions of need".

Application and admission

You are interested?

The Bachelor's programme starts in the winter semester (from October). To have a chance of getting a place, you must apply in good time. You can find all information about the application deadlines here. The programme is admission-restricted because we have more applicants than places. Therefore, a selection process takes place to find the most suitable applicants.

Register at As soon as you have submitted all forms and supporting documents, you will take part in the selection process for the degree programme. If you get a place, you can enrol online.

You can begin your studies in Mittweida if you have

  • the general higher education entrance qualification or
  • a subject-related higher education entrance qualification (for the relevant subject area) or
  • the entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences.

All information about application deadlines and the required documents can be found here.

If you do not have any of the mentioned degrees, look here for more information.

There is a separate application deadline for international students. Please click here for more information.